This is a general R question, not specific to Macintosh, so I’d suggest asking 
on R-help, if you haven’t already.

In the meantime, if you had
Would that be day ‘20’ of month ‘9’ or day ‘2’ of month ‘09’ ?

Since your form is not consistent, you will probably have to either split the 
string apart into separate day, month, and year components, or perhaps stick a 
‘0’ on the front of the string when the number of characters is five, and then 
use the as.Date() function. The examples in the help page for as.Date should be 
sufficient to show you what to do.

You will also receive better help if you show what you have tried.


On 10/23/10 6:19 AM, "" <> wrote:

Hi list,

I am having trouble getting R to read and display dates correctly. My dates
are in the form of day (no space) month (no space) year, for example: 250706
and sometimes 50906.

Any guidance would be appreciated...Thanks.

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Don MacQueen
Environmental Protection Department
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925 423-1062

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