On Nov 6, 2010, at 3:00 PM, Gerald Jurasinski wrote:

Hi Sandy,

Why don't you usw runmean() of the caTools package??
In the see also section of the help for runmean() there are various other possibilities given.

Also rollmean or rollapply in package zoo. Eg:

rollmean(as.zoo(1:25), 5)

Good Luck

3rd Law of Computing:
   Anything that can go wr
fortune: Segmentation violation -- Core dumped

Am 06.11.2010 um 02:44 schrieb David Winsemius:

On Nov 5, 2010, at 12:03 PM, Sandy Zelka wrote:

Please help....I'm trying to calculate a 5-point rolling average and I keep getting a length issue.
My script is

Not a SIG-Mac issue.

ma5<-function (x){
for(i in 2(length(x)-1)){

You seem to missing an operator between 2 and (, and I am guessing you meant to type "*" or ":") but it is not clear SINCE YOU HAVE NOT DESCRIBED THE PROBLEM WELL. (And you have not posted the exact error message either.)

Also check FAQ for description of problems related to the hierarchy of arithmetic operators in R (I don't actually remember a FAQ nubmber for this one but it is "frequently asked":
x <- 1:10
2:length(x) -1
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


So have you checked at the ends of your ranges to see if these indices are meaningful? What is length(x) and would it be meaningful to request x[2-1 -3]? What is x[-2] (or perhaps x[1-3] ) , after all? Or x[length(x)


I keep getting a replacement has length zero
I’ve tried changing the (x-2) to -3 and -4 and still get the same issue.

More likely that the extremes would raise "out of range" problems than the "interior" indices.

I’m thinking that it should be -2 and that this issue is in the third line – any ideas?

Better problem description, better punctuation, and posting to rhelp.


Sandy Zelka, CPA, CAE, MBA, LB
Accounting Professor
(518) 469-8040

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West Hartford, CT

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West Hartford, CT

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