> On May 14, 2018, at 12:42 AM, Colin Fleming <colin.mailingl...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I work on Cursive <https://cursive-ide.com/>, which is an IDE for Clojure 
> code based on IntelliJ. I've spoken to several of you at various conferences 
> over the years.
> I'm interested in understanding better how the macroexpansion to support 
> editor functionality in DrRacket works. By contrast, Cursive doesn't expand 
> macros during editing and relies on an extension API to teach it about macro 
> semantics. It's not ideal, but it does have some advantages - it's safe and 
> it's fast, and you can add support for some really crazy things that macros 
> do. However currently it requires me to add support for popular macros, 
> although I do have plans to open source that part so that users will be able 
> to add support for either third-party macros that they use, or macros that 
> they've developed themselves.
> My understanding is that using macroexpansion in the way that DrRacket does 
> requires a fairly deep integration between the macroexpander, the macros 
> themselves and the IDE - is that a fair statement?
> I guess that things like source location for forms which are carried from the 
> unexpanded source to the macroexpansion are more or less automatic. How does 
> this work for synthesised forms which are either composed from forms in the 
> original source, or don't exist in the original source at all? For example, 
> playing around with DrRacket I can see that after (struct node ([left : Tree] 
> [right : Tree])), hovering over node-left or node-right will indicate that 
> the node part comes from the struct definition, and the left/right part will 
> come from the fields. Are there annotations specifying partial ranges within 
> symbols to allow this?

Since `struct` creates a new name that wasn't in the source, but built from 
parts of the source, it uses the syntax property `'sub-range-binders` to 
communicate this to DrRacket [1].

However, if a macro doesn't "make up" names like struct does, it doesn't need 
to worry about this.

> I know there are features for tagging forms with information that will appear 
> in tooltips and the like, e.g. Typed Racket showing type information in the 
> editor. Are there other facilities for communicating with the user?

These tooltips are controlled by the syntax property `'mouse-over-tooltips` [1].

> How well does all this work for macros which aren't written with DrRacket in 
> mind?

It depends on whether they make up or introduce names that weren't originally 
there in the source. If a macro only produces definitions or expressions using 
identifiers it was given as an input, the macro generally doesn't need to be 
written with DrRacket in mind.

> And finally, of course - is there some documentation about all this I could 
> look at? Is this all implemented with syntax object properties 
> <https://docs.racket-lang.org/reference/stxprops.html>?

Yes, the advanced features that work for macros that make up names or display 
tooltips are communicated to DrRacket through syntax properties like 
`'sub-range-binders` and `'mouse-over-tooltips`. These properties are 
documented here:


> Thanks for any and all help!
> Cheers,
> Colin

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