Hi Paulo,

This sounds like an excellent project. I'm happy to do the necessary
administration on the Racket side if you let me know what to do, but
even better would be if you could do it. Is there a way to arrange for
you to be the owner of the project on Coverity?

On Fri, Sep 14, 2018 at 3:03 AM 'Paulo Matos' via Racket Developers
<racket-dev@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Travis CI has a coverity scan addon (for static analysis).
> I decided to give it a go with Racket using the following configuration:
> https://github.com/LinkiTools/racket/blob/wip-qemu-test/.travis.yml
> This configuration will run coverity on racket when the branch you
> commit to is called coverity_scan. Since doing coverity scanning is
> expensive you don't want to do it all the time.
> However with Racket's size we can do it twice a day, but we don't need
> even that. From their webpage (https://scan.coverity.com/faq#frequency):
>  "The number of weekly builds per project are as follows:
>     Up to 14 builds per week, with a maximum of 2 build per day, for
> projects with 500K to 1 million lines of code "
> Coverity reports racket as having 598,267 loc to analyze.
> I can show you the dashboard that I see on coverity although it's not
> public for security reasons - members of the project can however, be
> invited to see it. Dashboard attached. I cannot see the specifics of the
> faults found until the project confirms I am either its owner (I am
> not), or part of the dev group (which I am also not), so most likely I
> won't be given permission to see the details of the security flaws.
> Their explanation is as follows (from the faq linked above):
> "Who may be granted access to a Registered Project?
> Generally, access to the detailed analysis results for most Registered
> Projects is granted only to members of the Registered Project approved
> by the Registered Project administrator, to ensure that potential
> security defects in the Registered Project may be resolved before the
> general public sees them.
> Coverity Scan uses the Responsible Disclosure approach. Scan provides
> the analysis results to the project developers only, and do not reveal
> details to the public until an issue has been resolved. For a thorough
> discussion of Responsible Disclosure, you can refer to comments by Bruce
> Schneier, or Matt Blaze, or the Wikipedia article on Full Disclosure
> Since projects that do not resolve their outstanding defects are leaving
> their users exposed to the consequences of those flaws, Synopsys will
> work to encourage a project to resolve all of their defects. Synopsys
> may set a deadline for the publication of all the analysis results for a
> project."
> I think it would be interesting to have a regular report of the faults
> in the C code of racket. This could be done by having a script merging
> on a regular basis (once every 24 or 48 hours) the master branch into
> coverity_scan to trigger it. Someone would probably have to look into
> the faults reports and open bugs/pull requests if required.
> Would this be something that the racket core team would like to see?
> If so, I can create a pull request for the travis changes.
> Someone would need to register the project in coverity, who would be the
> coverity admin. Then that someone can invite members at their discretion
> to look into the faults and create bug reports or pull requests if
> necessary. I am happy to look at some faults but it should be someone
> from the racket team to register this here:
> https://scan.coverity.com/projects
> On a sidenote, I know Sam has been looking into moving to Azure
> Pipelines but this doesn't mean we can keep using travis jobs for the
> coverity scan only. One effort won't block the other.
> Kind regards,
> --
> Paulo Matos
> --
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