(require racket) generally doesn't work in the teaching languages. It
shadows define-struct, in this case, and you get the wrong version (so
you get generative structs).

Why are you doing (require racket)? There's probably some smaller
library you could use that would not shadow core things...


On Sat, Nov 5, 2011 at 8:54 AM, Adam Shaw <adams...@cs.uchicago.edu> wrote:
> Hi --
> My students noticed that certain check-expect tests stop working in the
> presence of (require racket). For example, the check-expect in this
> three-line file fails under ISλ:
> (require racket)
> (define-struct foo (x))
> (check-expect (make-foo 0) (make-foo 0))
> Why is this happening?
> Thanks -- Adam
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