The following works:
#lang racket
(syntax-case (list 'a 'b) () ((x ...) #'(list 'x ...)))
; -> #<syntax:3:40 (list (quote a) (quote b))>

The docs on syntax-case say:
(syntax-case stx-expr (literal-id ...)  

  clause ...)
However, as far as I have seen, the docs do not specify the exact type of
It appears that a stx-expr not necessarily is (evaluates to) a
In (syntax->datum x), x must be (evaluate to) a syntax.
In my opinion it would be logical to have syntax->datum to accept any
Question 1:
where are the docs on what is a stx-expr.
If there are none, can they be added?
Question 2:
Would it be possible to extend syntax->datum such as to accept any stx-expr?
I use syntax->datum frequently for debugging syntax-transformers.
There is no button in DrRacket for debug-syntax-transformers-included.
Of course I can use debug after replacing syntax-transformers by
However, then literal-ids are not correctly recognized because of phase
Question 3:
What can I do in order to debug syntax-transformers correctly, specifically
when literal-ids are involved?
Thanks, Jos Koot

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