On Wed, Apr 15, 2015 at 02:04:45AM -0400, George Neuner wrote:
> The measure I was advocating was "difference percentage" based on
> the terminology "50% faster".  Difference percentage is just the
> linear relative change (a ratio) multiplied by 100%.   A ratio is a
> fraction and the "base" of a fraction is its denominator. [Different
> from the "base" of a number.  Fraction "base" may be old
> terminology, but then I am not very young :-P ]   Difference is a
> vector quantity, having both magnitude and direction.
> "Faster" vs "slower" is a line and the times for the old and new
> versions represent points along that continuum.  To compare them you
> must decide which difference you want to compute - that is, in which
> direction you will be going: new to old, or old to new.
> The [verbose] equation for linear relative change is:   ( compared -
> compared_to ) / compared_to.
> The difference vector - that is, the direction of the comparison -
> determines which of the "old" or "new" points should be substituted
> for "compared_to" and so become the base (denominator) of the
> resulting fraction.

So undoing a 50% bonus involves a 33.33...% reduction

I've often thought that large percentage increases ad decreases should 
be moderated by natural logarithms to avoid this problem.
But then the calculations would become difficult.

-- hendrik.

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