On May 4, 2015, at 6:02 PM, Robby Findler <ro...@eecs.northwestern.edu> wrote:

> Another approach here would be to help me do performance debugging of
> 2htdp/image :). You could write the code directly as imperative calls
> to the dc<%> interface and see how that compares. If there's a
> significant difference, that suggests we might be able to find a way
> to speed up 2htdp/image.

I tried doing that, and here’s what I got:
(time (snowflake/inner-fractal 728))      : cpu time: 14775 real time: 14874 gc 
time: 2304
(time (freeze img1))                      : cpu time: 377110 real time: 377867 
gc time: 198343
(time (snowflake/inner-fractal/draw 728)) : cpu time: 24257 real time: 24267 gc 
time: 5852
Where snowflake/inner-fractal uses 2htdp/image, the result of that call is 
defined as img1, and snowflake/inner-fractal/draw uses racket/draw.
The program that produces this output is here: 

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