If you're willing to use vectors, then maybe you're also willing to
use a custom data structure? You could get much better performance
that way. Here's a half-baked example of what I mean. `map-once/h`,
below, returns a (normal list) of hole-lists. ("hole-list" is not a
good name. The offset doesn't really designate a hole in the list, but
the offset where the function should be applied.)

#lang racket/base

(require racket/match)

(struct hole-list (xs hole-offset fn))

(define (hole-list-empty? hxs)
  (match hxs
    [(hole-list (? pair?) _ _) #f]
    [_ #t]))

(define (hole-list-nonempty? hxs)
  (not (hole-list-empty? hxs)))

(define (hcar hxs)
  (match hxs
    [(hole-list (cons x _) 0 fn) (fn x)]
    [(hole-list (cons x _) _ _) x]))

(define (hcdr hxs)
  (match hxs
    [(hole-list (cons _ xs) n fn) (hole-list xs (sub1 n) fn)]))

(define-match-expander hcons
  (syntax-rules ()
    [(_ x xs) (and (? hole-list?)
                   (? hole-list-nonempty?)
                   (app hcar x)
                   (app hcdr xs))]))

(define-match-expander hnull
  (syntax-rules ()
    [(_) (and (? hole-list?)
              (? hole-list-empty?))]))

(define (hole-list->list hxs)
  (match hxs
    [(hnull) '()]
    [(hcons x xs) (cons x (hole-list->list xs))]))

(define (map-once/h fn xs)
  (for/list ([i (in-range (length xs))])
    (hole-list xs i fn)))

On Fri, Jun 19, 2015 at 4:33 PM, Luke Miles <rashreportl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I timed all these with `sqr` on a list of 10000 `(random)`.
> Luke's (my) first one:
> cpu time: 4706 real time: 4699 gc time: 3673
> Luke's second one:
> cpu time: 5401 real time: 5393 gc time: 4136
> Jon's first one:
> cpu time: 9734 real time: 9728 gc time: 8007
> Jon's second one (tested on a vector of course):
> cpu time: 1198 real time: 1195 gc time: 883
> Jens' first one:
> cpu time: 5622 real time: 5618 gc time: 4800
> Jens' second one:
> cpu time: 4393 real time: 4391 gc time: 3935
> I thought Jens' second one would be faster. The vector's results are 
> promising.
> --
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