Providing #f as the third argument to `local-expand` means that

 (+ i j)

is expanded only as far as exposing the primitive function-call form, also 
known as `#%plain-app`:

 (#%plain-app + i j)

When `i` is encountered later, there's no binding in the compile-time
environment, because the internal-definition context has been
discarded as the `my-def-stx` macro returned.

Probably you want to replace the `#f` with `null` (which means "expand
without stopping"). Another possibility is to expand to a
`letrec-syntaxes+values` form to bind `i` and `j`.

At Tue, 23 Jun 2015 02:13:19 -0400, Thomas Dickerson wrote:
> I seem to be missing some key ingredient here. The following really simply
> test-case, using let-syntaxes, works as expected:
> > (define-syntax my-def-stx
> >   (lambda (stx)
> >     (syntax-case stx (my-def-stx)
> >       [(my-def-stx (id ...) rhs expr)
> >        #'(let-syntaxes ([(id ...) rhs]) expr)])))
> >
> > (my-def-stx
> >  (i j) (values (lambda (stx) #'3) (lambda (stx) #'4))
> >  (+ i j))
> >
> Trying the same thing, but with this:
> > (require (for-syntax syntax/context))
> > (define-syntax my-def-stx
> >   (lambda (stx)
> >     (syntax-case stx (my-def-stx)
> >       [(my-def-stx (id ...) rhs expr)
> >        (let* ([intdef (syntax-local-make-definition-context)]
> >              [ctx (generate-expand-context)])
> >            (syntax-local-bind-syntaxes (syntax->list #'(id ...))
> > (local-transformer-expand #'rhs 'expression null) intdef)
> >            (internal-definition-context-seal intdef)
> >            (local-expand #'expr ctx #f intdef))])))
> >
> > (my-def-stx
> >  (i j) (values (lambda (stx) #'3) (lambda (stx) #'4))
> >  (+ i j))
> >
> instead, gives me "i: undefined; cannot reference an identifier before its
> definition".
> Thomas Dickerson
> Brown University
> Department of Computer Science
> 115 Waterman St, 4th Floor
> Providence, RI 02912
> 802-458-0637
> On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 11:39 PM, Matthew Flatt <> wrote:
> > Probably you don't want to work with namespaces, which are intended more
> > for run-time reflection.
> >
> > For an example of turning internal definitions into
> > 'letrec-syntaxes+values', try the implementation of 'racket/block'.
> >
> > > On Jun 23, 2015, at 10:06 AM, Thomas Dickerson <
> >> wrote:
> > >
> > > Update / addendum: I was also able to fairly trivially extend Alex's
> > code using let-syntax to have the more hygienic behavior for where Accum
> > is/is-not visible, but let-syntax ends up leaving an additional layer of
> > empty (let-values() ...) behind.
> > >
> > > The documentation for let-syntax makes the following claim - "The
> > evaluation of each trans-expr is parameterized to set current-namespace to
> > a namespace that shares bindings and variables with the namespace being
> > used to expand the let-syntax form, except that its base phase is one
> > greater." which seems very much related to what I'd like to accomplish (and
> > Shriram's suggestion that I mentioned in the original post); however, I see
> > no evidence of this actually taking place in the Racket source-code, it
> > just appears to desugar, with very few bells and whistles, to
> > letrec-syntaxes+values which evidently is implemented in the C code.
> > Digging into syntax-parameterize shows that, unsurprisingly, this is also
> > how syntax-parameterize gets desugared, with a few more bells and whistles.
> > >
> > > So I guess at this point the remainder of my question boils down to
> > this: can someone offer any insight into the process of turning macros
> > which are introduced by let-syntax or equivalent into macros which are
> > introduced implicitly by an internal-definition-context argument to
> > local-expand, or by explicit namespace manipulation as hinted at in the
> > let-syntax documentation (but which I can't turn up anywhere).
> > >
> > >> On Monday, June 22, 2015 at 5:35:50 PM UTC-4, Thomas Dickerson wrote:
> > >> Thanks for the effort that went into figuring that out! A couple first
> > thoughts on the implementation:
> > >> To first order, this is exactly what I want to be able to do (and it
> > elegantly avoids local-expand by reasoning about expansion order); however,
> > as a general pattern, it's a bit unhygienic in that Accum is now in the
> > global namespace, which precludes using it as a child macro for other
> > constructs, and prevents specific instantiations of Loop from requesting a
> > different name for Accum to cooperate in nested loops.
> > >>
> > >> I also noticed that (syntax-parameterize) isn't totally transparent in
> > the expanded syntax - it leaves a bunch of empty (let-values () ...)
> > behind, which is fine for Racket, but problematic in my target use-case of
> > emitting something which ultimately needs to be an entirely different
> > language. This is why my experiments have all involved local-expand - I
> > want to introduce expand-time names without introducing wrapping
> > let-syntaxes (or similar) forms around my body code.
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>> On Saturday, June 20, 2015 at 2:24:40 PM UTC-4, Alex Knauth wrote:
> > >>>> On Jun 19, 2015, at 7:44 PM, Thomas Dickerson <
> >> wrote:
> > >>>>
> > >>>> I was intending for that example to have the variables be defined
> > outside the macro, but being able to create the (set! ...) forms outside
> > should mean I could also hypothetically create let/define-values forms.
> > This is why I originally specified being able to effect generation of both
> > prologue + epilogue code.
> > >>>
> > >>> I figured this out for code that will be expanded after the body:
> > >>>
> > >>> #lang racket/base
> > >>>
> > >>> (require racket/stxparam
> > >>>         (for-syntax racket/base
> > >>>                     syntax/parse
> > >>>                     racket/set
> > >>>                     ))
> > >>>
> > >>> ;; (syntax-parameter-value vars) : (U #f (MutableSetof Identifier))
> > >>> (define-syntax-parameter vars #f)
> > >>>
> > >>> (define-syntax Accum
> > >>>  (lambda (stx)
> > >>>    (syntax-parse stx
> > >>>      [(Accum x:id dx:expr)
> > >>>       (define vs (syntax-parameter-value #'vars))
> > >>>       (unless (set-mutable? vs)
> > >>>         (raise-syntax-error #f "cannot be used outside Loop" stx))
> > >>>       (set-add! vs (syntax-local-introduce #'x))
> > >>>       #'(set! x (+ x dx))])))
> > >>>
> > >>> (define-syntax set-accums-zero!
> > >>>  (syntax-parser
> > >>>    [(set-accums-zero!)
> > >>>     #:with [x ...]
> > >>>     (map syntax-local-introduce (set->list (syntax-parameter-value
> > #'vars)))
> > >>>     #'(begin (set! x 0) ...)]))
> > >>>
> > >>> (define-syntax Loop
> > >>>  (syntax-parser
> > >>>    [(Loop up-to-expr:expr body:expr ...+)
> > >>>     #'(syntax-parameterize ([vars (mutable-set)])
> > >>>         (let ([up-to up-to-expr])
> > >>>           (letrec
> > >>>               ([loop
> > >>>                 (lambda (n)
> > >>>                   body
> > >>>                   ...
> > >>>                   (if (< n up-to)
> > >>>                       (loop (add1 n))
> > >>>                       (void)))])
> > >>>             (set-accums-zero!)
> > >>>             (loop 0))))]))
> > >>>
> > >>> (let ([x "x"] [y "y"] [z "z"])
> > >>>  (Loop 10
> > >>>        (begin
> > >>>          (define-values
> > >>>            [dx dy dz]
> > >>>            (values 1 2 3))
> > >>>          (printf "x = ~v, y = ~v, z = ~v\n" x y z)
> > >>>          (Accum x dx)
> > >>>          (Accum y dy)
> > >>>          (Accum z dz))))
> > >>>
> > >>> To generate a let outside of that you’d probably need to do some kind
> > of local-expand, but I’m not sure.
> > >
> > > --
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