Hello Sir,

You are right. I missed that "in-paraller" function which is in Racket
documentation. Using "#:when" is fine since I am currently reporting failures only. In future I might add "debug" -mode which prints each success case too.

Anyways, the big problem is that I have lists of sections (each marked
as: low, high) in a text file I read from top to bottom. None of the sections should overlap:
the next section cannot start before the previous one has ended.

I decided against state-machine (i.e. I am currently reading in
"section1" so only valid next states are: "section1's end marker" or "plain line") because adding all possible error states and messages was tedious.

Therefore I read first the whole file line by line (into vector) and
collect only (section-starts, seaction-ends) -markers into lists.
Then I check with those for*/fold -functions whether sections overlap.
Naturally, this leads looping thru several section -lists and comparison
of each section marker against all other markers because
different sections can be in any relative order. I could reduce the looping by starting the search from the smallest of all section-start markers in any lists but I am not that far yet.

When all section "ranges" are validated I can start processing the
vector of lines one section at a time.


On 7/11/15 12:54 AM, Stephen Chang wrote:
I understand now. I still claim that an (explicit) inner loop is not needed:

(define (validate-ranges5 value-list low-list high-list)
   (for*/fold ([failures 0])
              ([(lo hi) (in-parallel low-list high-list)]
               [v value-list]
               #:when (< lo v hi))
     (printf "\n*** Faulty!: ~a < ~a < ~a\n" lo v hi)
     (add1 failures)))

(validate-ranges5 '(5 15 25) '(1 11 21) '(10 20 30))


*** Faulty!: 1 < 5 < 10

*** Faulty!: 11 < 15 < 20

*** Faulty!: 21 < 25 < 30

On Fri, Jul 10, 2015 at 5:40 PM, Pekka Niiranen
<pekka.niira...@pp5.inet.fi> wrote:
Thanks Sir,

This was exactly what I tried to reason.
It never occured to me that parameter "failure" can be used
in both for/fold -constructs.

About the problem (Stephen):

value-list: '(5, 15, 25)
low-list:   '(1, 11, 21)
high-list:  '(10, 20, 30)

I need to check the following 9 cases:

L    V    H

1 <  5 < 10  BS
1 < 15 < 10
1 < 25 < 10

11 <  5 < 20
11 < 15 < 20 BS
11 < 25 < 20

21 <  5 < 30
21 < 15 < 30
21 < 25 < 30 BS


On 7/10/15 11:48 PM, Pierpaolo Bernardi wrote:

On Fri, Jul 10, 2015 at 10:45 PM, Pierpaolo Bernardi
<olopie...@gmail.com> wrote:

If I understand correctly the spec, this should do what you ask?

which, fixing the typo, becomes:

(define (validate-ranges value-list low-list high-list)
    (for/fold ((failures 0))
              ((low (in-list low-list))
               (high (in-list high-list)))
      (for/fold ((failures 0))
                ((value (in-list value-list)))
        (if (<= low value high)
          (add1 failures)))))

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