At Fri, 17 Jul 2015 16:58:50 +0200, mazert wrote:
> Le 17/07/2015 16:16, Matthias Felleisen a écrit :
> > This actually works. But I am not sure why you'd want to do something like 
> that.
> Ah yes, letrec is what I was looking for :) . The goal was to test a 
> port with a specific timeout (here I set it to two for dev purposes, but 
> 10 is better). I rewrited foo with better comments below.
> Just to be sure, I cant have the prompt return without using a 
> (thread-wait thd) function ?
> 1) The port is not good so b kills a, then b ends. The program continue.
> 2) But if I set (thread-wait a), b kills a, then b ends. As a was 
> killed, it is considered as terminated so it is the same as 1) ?


Beware, though, that there's a race condition here:

> #lang racket
> (define (foo)
>    (letrec ([a (thread (λ ()
>                          (let-values ([(p-in p-out) (tcp-connect 
> "" 5887)])
>                            (printf "Server port is good")
>                            (kill-thread b))))]
>             [b (thread (λ ()
>                          (displayln `(hello world))
>                          (sleep 2)
>                          (printf "Server port is not good")
>                          (kill-thread a)))])
>      (thread-wait b)))

It's possible (but unlikely) for the thread bound to `a` to complete
and try to kill `b` before the variable `b` is initialized.

Here's what I'd do:

 * Create a custodian to manage the thread, and shut the custodian down
   instead of killing the thread. That way, in addition to killing the
   thread, any network resources are also released.

 * Instead of starting a timer thread, use `sync/timeout`.

(define (foo)
  (define c (make-custodian))
  (define t (parameterize ([current-custodian c])
               (λ ()
                 (let-values ([(p-in p-out)
                               (tcp-connect "" 5887)])
                   (printf "Server port is good"))))))
  (displayln `(hello world))
  (unless (sync/timeout 2 t) ; produces #f on timeout
    (printf "Server port is not good")
    (custodian-shutdown-all c)))

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