> The new expander treats submodules like everything else. Since
> `racket/math`, is macro-introduced while the body of the submodule `pi`
> is not, the import doesn't bind `pi`. For that matter, the initial
> `racket/base` import is also macro-introduced and doesn't bind `#%top`
> for `pi`.

OK, this is the part I was missing: the old expander did a little magic with 
certain identifiers within submodules, but no longer.

> To make this example work with the new expander, one solution is to use
> `syntax/strip-context` to make a macro that behaves like
> `module*-macro` with the old expander, but with context stripping by
> the macro instead of by `module*`:

As an alternative, is it acceptable / wise to continue use `with-syntax` to 
introduce the identifiers that the new expander omits? E.g., this also will fix 
the macro:

(define-syntax (module*-macro stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    [(_ exprs ...)
     (with-syntax ([racket/base (format-id stx "~a" #'racket/base)])
       #'(module* submod-name racket/base 
         exprs ...))]))

> I think it's relatively common for macros that introduce submodules to
> intend non-hygienic binding for the macro body --- so, this is a
> significant incompatibility. I didn't see a way to keep the old
> behavior, though, without defeating some advantages of the new
> expander.

It sounds like the new expander doesn't forbid this kind of macrology, but 
rather requires the author to be more explicit about it.

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