According to the docs [1]:

> (let ([x 5]) (+ x 6))
> Combining the lexical information from 'let' in the program above to 'x would 
> not produce an identifier that is `free-identifier=?` to either 'x', since it 
> does not appear in the scope of the 'x' binding.

If so, then what is the flaw in the program below, which is intended to test 
this proposition? `free-identifier=?` comes out false only when the new 
identifier has a different name.


#lang racket
(require rackunit)

(define stx #'(let ([x 5]) (+ x 6)))

(define (syntax-flatten stx)
   (let loop ([stx stx])
     (define stxs (syntax->list stx))
     (if stxs
         (map loop stxs)

(define stxs (syntax-flatten stx))
(define stx-let (first stxs))
(define stx-x1 (second stxs))
(define stx-x2 (fifth stxs))

;; these will fail
(check-false (free-identifier=? (datum->syntax stx-let 'x) stx-x1))
(check-false (free-identifier=? (datum->syntax stx-let 'x) stx-x2))

;; but these will succeed
(check-false (free-identifier=? (datum->syntax stx-let 'xxx) stx-x1))
(check-false (free-identifier=? (datum->syntax stx-let 'xxx) stx-x2))



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