​ have a minimal example that reproduces the behavior and I can track it
down to the fact that I do not export "define" and the file which uses the
new #lang does not define anything, except through a #%module-begin
rewrite. If the file written in the new #lang has access to define and
defines anything, then indeed it shows up. Please forgive any gmail


I add the TEST directory to PLTCOLLECTS.

#lang s-exp syntax/module-reader

#lang racket/base
(provide (rename-out (my-module-begin #%module-begin))
         #%app #%top #%datum #%top-interaction
         require displayln)

(define-syntax-rule (my-module-begin body ...)
   (define x 2)
   (provide x)
   body ...))

#lang test-lang
(displayln 2)

Run "test.rkt"
Welcome to DrRacket, version 6.2 [3m].
Language: test-lang [custom]; memory limit: 4096 MB.
> x
. . x: undefined;
 cannot reference an identifier before its definition
> (require "test.rkt")
> x

It seems to be because of the definition of x in my-module-begin. But I
don't understand why this doesn't work.

Thanks for any insight here, I seem to have a bad mental model of what's

On Fri, Aug 7, 2015 at 4:32 PM, Alexander D. Knauth <alexan...@knauth.org>

> That sounds weird. You shouldn't need to do anything special with
> #%top-interaction or anything, so I'm not sure what's going on.
> How are you defining it?  Can you show us some of the source code?
> On Aug 7, 2015, at 1:09 PM, Deren Dohoda <deren.doh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I have a #lang I'm working on and everything seems to be going very
> well. One thing I don't understand, though, is that when a file written in
> this language is opened in DrRacket and Run, I still have to (require
> "file.rkt") in the REPL before I am able to use anything provided by the
> file.
> >
> > I assume that I am neglecting to do something somewhere related to the
> use of #%top-interaction, because when I fail to provide this from the
> implementation of the language, I cannot run the file in DrRacket at all.
> But merely adding it to the provide expression doesn't do what I expect.
> >
> > Any help?
> >
> > Deren
> >
> > --
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