Very helpful, thank you. You're right that the #:methods spec was messing
up the original macro, too. Though it had some other problems after I got
beyond that hurdle.

Every time I think I am starting to understand macros I find out I don't.


On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 12:43 AM, Alexander D. Knauth <>

> I'm not sure why that doesn't work, but I redid it with my
> define-struct-fields macro factored out and this worked:
> I'm not sure but I suspect the real difference comes from passing
> gen:printable to the pstruct macro though, because that's what causes this
> to fail.
> I also had to add the optional argument to the definition of gen-print in
> the (pstruct test ...) definition.
> The rest was just refactoring as I was trying to see how to simplify it so
> that I could see what was broken and what wasn't.
> #lang racket/base
> (require racket/generic
>          syntax/parse/define
>          "define-struct-fields.rkt"
>          (for-syntax racket/base syntax/parse racket/syntax))
> (define-generics printable
>   (gen-print printable [port])
>   (gen-port-print port printable)
>   (gen-print* printable [port] #:width width #:height [height])
>   #:defaults ([string?
>                (define/generic super-print gen-print)
>                (define (gen-print s [port (current-output-port)])
>                  (fprintf port "String: ~a" s))
>                (define (gen-port-print port s)
>                  (super-print s port))
>                (define (gen-print* s [port (current-output-port)]
>                                    #:width w #:height [h 0])
>                  (fprintf port "String (~ax~a): ~a" w h s))]))
> (define-simple-macro (pstruct struct-name (accessors ...) #:methods gen
> [body ...])
>   #:with sv (datum->syntax #'struct-name 'struct-values)
>   #:with ooo (quote-syntax ...)
>   (struct struct-name (accessors ...)
>     #:methods gen
>     [(define-syntax-rule (sv (fld ooo) v)
>        (define-struct-fields struct-name (fld ooo) v))
>      body ...]))
> (pstruct test (a b c)
>   #:methods gen:printable
>   [(define (gen-print ps [out (current-output-port)])
>      (struct-values (a) ps)
>      (print a out))])
> (gen-print (test 1 2 3))
> On Aug 18, 2015, at 12:20 AM, Deren Dohoda <> wrote:
> Thanks for your help Alexander. I did have this much working alright in a
> different manner. What I guess I wanted was that this syntax was introduced
> per struct so that the same syntax worked for all interface-structs. That
> is, if I
> (interface-struct test (a b c)
>   [(define (some-interface-function ...))
>     ...]) =>
> (struct test (a b c)
>   #:methods gen:???
>   [(define-struct-fields (field:id ...) ...)
>    (define (some-interface-function ...) ...) ...])
> Essentially all it had to do was grab the struct name automatically, just
> one more level of indirection. It seemed straightforward but in my example
> code the methods defined for the generic interface were not seen.
> Deren
> On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 12:07 AM, Alexander D. Knauth <
>> wrote:
>> Are you looking for a macro like this:
>> #lang racket
>> (require syntax/parse/define (for-syntax racket/syntax))
>> (define-simple-macro (define-struct-fields struct:id (field:id ...)
>> v:expr)
>>   #:with s (generate-temporary #'struct)
>>   #:with [struct-field ...]
>>   (for/list ([field (in-list (syntax->list #'(field ...)))])
>>     (format-id #'struct "~a-~a" #'struct field))
>>   (begin
>>     (define s v)
>>     (define field (struct-field s))
>>     ...))
>> ;; testing it out
>> (struct test (a b c))
>> (define x (test 1 2 3))
>> (define-struct-fields test (a b) x)
>> a
>> b
>> Or do you want it even more automatic than that?
>> On Aug 17, 2015, at 11:29 PM, Deren Dohoda <>
>> wrote:
>> Suppose I have a struct which implements a generic interface. I'll copy
>> and paste the interface from the guide for the example. What I'd like to do
>> is have automatically-introduced syntax which allows you to skip a lot of
>> the struct-accessor forms. So for instance, for a struct like
>> (struct test (a b c))
>> I'd like, in a method, to be able to say
>> (define (some-method genericable)
>>   (define-accessors (a b)))
>> Which is essentially a (define-values ...) expression, taking care of the
>> messy work of typing out all the accessor methods like (test-a genericable).
>> I have this example, which doesn't raise any syntax errors, and looks
>> exactly like I'd expect from the macro stepper's output, yet fails when run:
>> #lang racket/base
>> (require (for-syntax racket/base)
>>          racket/generic)
>> (define-generics printable
>>     (gen-print printable [port])
>>     (gen-port-print port printable)
>>     (gen-print* printable [port] #:width width #:height [height])
>>     #:defaults ([string?
>>                  (define/generic super-print gen-print)
>>                  (define (gen-print s [port (current-output-port)])
>>                    (fprintf port "String: ~a" s))
>>                  (define (gen-port-print port s)
>>                    (super-print s port))
>>                  (define (gen-print* s [port (current-output-port)]
>>                                      #:width w #:height [h 0])
>>                    (fprintf port "String (~ax~a): ~a" w h s))]))
>> (define-syntax (pstruct stx)
>>   (syntax-case stx ()
>>     ((_ struct-name (accessors ...) [body ...])
>>      (with-syntax ((sv (datum->syntax stx 'struct-values)))
>>      #'(struct struct-name (accessors ...)
>>          #:methods gen:printable
>>          [(define-syntax (sv stx)
>>             (syntax-case stx ()
>>               ((_ (acc (... ...)))
>>                (let ((accs (for/list ((id (syntax->datum #'(acc (...
>> ...)))))
>>                              (string->symbol (format "~a-~a" 'struct-name
>> id)))))
>>                  (with-syntax ((s (datum->syntax stx 'ps))
>>                                (as (datum->syntax stx accs)))
>>                    #'(define-values (acc (... ...)) (apply values (map
>> (λ(proc) (proc s)) as))))))))
>>           body ...])))))
>> (pstruct test (a b c)
>>   [(define (gen-print ps)
>>      (struct-values (a))
>>      a)])
>> Welcome to DrRacket, version 6.2 [3m].
>> Language: racket/base [custom]; memory limit: 1024 MB.
>> > (gen-print (test 1 2 3))
>> . . gen-print: not implemented for #<test>
>> How am I going wrong here?
>> Thanks,
>> Deren
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