The URL needs to get split into parts, and the HTTP request will go
"on the wire" as something like:

    HEAD <path> HTTP/1.0
    <more headers>

When you have the trailing / it will be:

    HEAD / HTTP/1.0

Which makes sense.

When the trailing slash is missing, i.e. "no path", I'm guessing that
http-conn-send! is sending

    HEAD HTTP/1.0

The server thinks the path is "HTTP/1.0" and the HTTP/<ver> part is...
missing. The server doesn't think blank is a valid version of HTTP. It
may have a point. :)

TL;DR1: It's probably good form to use the trailing slash in your
URLs, anyway. (What you can type in a browser address bar is a lot
looser than what you can/should use in code.)  This will work even
with the currently shipping Racket.

TL;DR2: Jay, http-conn-send! might want to supply "/" when the path is
missing?  Or at least something like (error 'http-conn-send! "URL is
missing a path") so it fails more understandably?

On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 6:18 AM, Jon Stenerson <> wrote:
> This works:
>> (define p (head-impure-port (string->url "";)))
>> (read-line p)
> "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r"
> But, leaving off trailing /, I usually see
>> (define p (head-impure-port (string->url "";)))
> string-trim: contract violation
>   expected: string?
>   given: #<eof>
> Sometimes I get a port with status line "HTTP/1.1 505 HTTP Version not
> supported\r".
> Can anyone explain? Thanks.
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