It has been a little more than a week and we've stopped getting results.

The full results should be publicly available. Here is a summary:

and here is the raw data:

My interpretation of the data is as follows:

- The #:keyword syntax is liked fine with a rating of 5.67
- The :keyword syntax is more loved with a rating of 6.9
- But change is not popular, average of 5.1 with high standard deviation
- People that really like #:keyword do not want a change and do not like
- People that really like :keyword want a change

I am genuinely surprised :keyword saw so much support and that change was
so attractive to people.

Naturally whenever you do stuff like this, you want to ask more questions,
like what about keyword:, what about supporting both, etc.


On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 11:50 AM, Neil Van Dyke <>

> We are conducting a highly scientific poll.
> The question we want to answer is whether people would like for the Racket
> standard languages to have symbols that begin with the colon character
> (except for the symbol `:`) to read the same has keywords that begin with
> pound-colon.
> That is, when this glorious colon-keywords support is added, instead of
> having to type and look at:
>     (foo #:abc 1 #:xyx 42)
> you can choose to bask in the beauty of:
>     (foo :abc 1 :xyx 42)
> Then you would be free to use the gorgeous colon-keywords everywhere in
> Racket, including in quick one-line examples in email list posts.
> All people of great aesthetic sense, intellect, and good moral fiber, who
> would naturally like everyone to have the right to use either
> colon-keywords or (eww) pound-colon keywords (in unity, and without
> unnecessary `#lang` schisms!), should answer the quick poll:
> (When the poll question asks "Is it worth changing?", read it is as "You
> are a good person, and you naturally think Racket should support both
> colon-keywords and pound-colon keywords, right?")
> I call upon all freedom-loving Racketeers to stand up and fight for the
> righteous cause of colon-keywords.  The moment to answer this highly
> scientific poll is now.
> Neil V.
> --
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Jay McCarthy
Associate Professor
PLT @ CS @ UMass Lowell

           "Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing,
      for ye are laying the foundation of a great work.
And out of small things proceedeth that which is great."
                          - D&C 64:33

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