The more I dig into Racket, the more I like it. It seems like a perfect fit for 
both my personality and the type of applications I am, and will be, writing. 
For the vast majority of what I need to do, it's a great fit.

I do occasionally encounter a need for raw speed, so I'm looking for a 
complement to Racket for those few times when it's not fast enough. I chatted 
briefly about this on IRC the other day, but I thought I'd tap into the 
collective wisdom on the mailing list.

I'm open to suggestions, but I've tentatively narrowed the list down to Rust 
and C. I programmed in C/C++ for about a decade, then Java for a decade, and 
most recently in Ruby for a decade, so it's been a while since I was an expert 
C hacker, and my recent Ruby experience has lessened my polyglotness :)

If I were to do a *lot* of lower level coding, I think the niceties of Rust 
would win out over C, but I'm planning on doing most of my application coding 
in Racket, and only needing a lower level language for a few speedups, some 
ad-hoc file crunching programs, etc.. I like the memory safety Rust provides 
without giving up too much performance; the standard library seems fairly rich; 
the language features are fairly nice, etc.

Although I think there is a goal to reduce the amount of C code in Racket, I 
expect there will continue to be a fair amount for the foreseeable future, so 
getting my C chops back would allow me to possibly contribute in that area 
eventually (although I'd prefer to contribute Racket code). And there are some 
Schemes that compile down to C which would allow me to use them in some 
challenged environments (e.g. for Robotics, etc.), so renewing my C proficiency 
would be handy.

I think the FFI interaction between Racket & C may be smoother than between 
Rust & C, but that is conjecture.

Multi-core complicates things a bit. The specific program that motivated me to 
consider Rust or C is an easily parallellizeable program to parse & dump a file 
into a different format, and even though I wrote plenty of multi-threaded C 
code in the past, I'm almost positive this would be much more pleasant, and 
less error prone, in Rust. And given current CPU advances, I think multi-core 
is important for getting the most out of code these days.

Ultimately they're not mutually exclusive, but in the near term they are, I 
only have so much time.

Any thoughts from folks that are FFI'ing from/to Racket and/or using a second 
language in the same system as Racket ?


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