Short version:
show-scrollbars seems to be forcing my canvas object to call on-paint. The 
problem is that on-paint contains calls to show-scrollbars and thus creates an 
infinite loop.

Long version:
I have a canvas that displays an image and will enable or disable the 
scrollbars based on how large the image is in relation to the current 
dimensions of the canvas. On Linux and OSX the code operates as intended and 
the user may resize the frame as much as desired with the scrollbars appearing 
or disappearing when appropriate. On Windows, however, simply getting the 
canvas to display the image will trap itself inside an infinite loop because 
the calls to show-scrollbars is making the canvas call on-paint. I have 
narrowed it down to specifically that procedure because removing those calls 
from on-paint allows the canvas to display the image properly.

I have tried all kinds of combinations of suspend- and resume-flush but nothing 
seems to change this behavior. For reference, the relevant lines may be found 

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