Also, I should point out that if I wasn't using module+, I get the
expected output:

So I think it is due to the module+ macro pulling up the expression
past the assignment.

(This can be seen with the following code that is missing the module+ modules.)

#lang racket

(require racket/splicing)

(define-syntax (yellow stx) #'"yellow")
(define-syntax (blue stx) #'"blue")

  (struct stx-box (stx)
    #:property prop:rename-transformer
    (lambda (inst)
      (syntax-property (stx-box-stx inst) 'not-free-identifier=? #t))))
(define-syntax (set-stx! stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    [(_ box value)
       (define-values (x y) (syntax-local-value/immediate #'box))
       (set-stx-box-stx! x #'value)

(define-syntax x-top (stx-box #'yellow))

(splicing-let-syntax ([x (syntax-local-value #'x-top)])

(set-stx! x-top blue)

(splicing-let-syntax ([x (syntax-local-value #'x-top)])

~Leif Andersen

On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 3:08 PM, Leif Andersen <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am noticing that if I in the body of splicing-let-syntax I put a
> module+, or anything that lifts with
> syntax-local-lift-module-end-decloration really, The stuff that gets
> lifted out doesn't seem  to match what I would expect it to. I suspect
> this is in part do to using prop:rename-transformer, and mutable
> structs, but I don't want to use a syntax-parameter because I would
> like to parameterize over an identifier.
> Here is the code I have:
> #lang racket
> (require racket/splicing)
> (define-syntax (yellow stx) #'"yellow")
> (define-syntax (blue stx) #'"blue")
> (begin-for-syntax
>   (struct stx-box (stx)
>     #:mutable
>     #:transparent
>     #:property prop:rename-transformer
>     (lambda (inst)
>       (syntax-property (stx-box-stx inst) 'not-free-identifier=? #t))))
> (define-syntax (set-stx! stx)
>   (syntax-case stx ()
>     [(_ box value)
>      (begin
>        (define-values (x y) (syntax-local-value/immediate #'box))
>        (set-stx-box-stx! x #'value)
>        #'(void))]))
> (define-syntax x-top (stx-box #'yellow))
> (define-syntax y-top 52)
> (splicing-let-syntax ([x (syntax-local-value #'x-top)])
>   (module+ test
>     x))
> (set-stx! x-top blue)
> (splicing-let-syntax ([x (syntax-local-value #'x-top)])
>   (module+ test
>     x))
> When I run it out I get:
> "yellow"
> "yellow"
> What I would like to get is:
> "yellow"
> "blue"
> Is there any better way to do this, and still have x be an identifier
> that is bound to the correct string?
> Thank you very much.
> ~Leif Andersen

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