On Dec 16, 2015, at 11:46 PM, tachlithavayati <tachlithavay...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Friends:
> With minlatex.rkt functions I can successfuly render HTML with LaTeX in 
> one-page documents (directly from DrRacket or with Scribble --html). But for 
> multi-page options, for example with Scribble --htmls, the render is 
> something like:
> \[e^{i \pi}+1=0\]
> Question: Is there a way to render multi-page HTML with LaTeX code?
> Thank you in advance for any hint concerning this problem.
> Sincerely, Enrique Comer
> -- 
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> <qminimal.scrbl><minlatex.rkt>

I am not sure what you mean with 'rendering latex with htmls'. I am writing 
HtDP/2e with latex embedded and I use the equivalent of --htmls. The code is 
below. When it is in 'latex' mode, I generate real latex math; when it is html 
mode, it creates PDFs that are included. 


#lang at-exp racket/gui

 ;; [#:file (f String)] String *-> ImageSnip
 ;; (latex s ..) runs latex on s ... and turns the result into an image snip
 ;; if #:file is specified it also saves a version of the image in a file

 ;; -> Real

 ;; -> Boolean


(require scribble/core)

(define (in-latex-mode?)
  (define v (map string->symbol (vector->list 
  (member 'latex v))

(define (latex-scale)
  (if (in-latex-mode?) 0.75 1.0))

(define (latex #:display [display-style #false] #:file (f "x") . strs)
  (define math-delimiters (if display-style "$$" "$"))
  (define the-math (string-append math-delimiters (string-append* strs) 
  (define x.tex (string-append f ".tex"))
  (define x.pdf (string-append f ".pdf"))
  (define x.png (string-append f ".png"))
  (define cmd (regexp-replace #rx"\n+" (COMMANDS x.tex x.pdf x.png) " \\&\\& "))
  (define latex/x (string->path "Latex/"))
  (define in-latex-mode (in-latex-mode?))
  (define (run) 
    (parameterize ([current-directory latex/x] 
                   [current-input-port (open-input-bytes #"")] 
                   [current-output-port (open-output-string)]) 
      (call-with-output-file* x.tex #:exists 'truncate
        (lambda (o) (fprintf o TEMPLATE the-math)))
      (unless (system cmd)
        (display (get-output-string (current-output-port)) (current-error-port))
        (error 'latex "commands did not run successfully, see above output; 
check convert"))
        (make-object image-snip% x.png 'png/mask)
        (rename-file-or-directory x.pdf (string-append "../" x.pdf) #t))))
  ; (define (cleanup) (delete-directory/files latex))
  (if in-latex-mode
      (exact the-math)
      (dynamic-wind void run void)))

(define ((mk-latex-command n #:style [style '(exact-chars)]) . items)
  (make-element (make-style n style) items))

; (define lpara (mk-latex-command "paragraph"))
(define exact (mk-latex-command #f))

(define TEMPLATE 
       % \usepackage[mathletters]{ucs} 
       % \usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc} 

(define (COMMANDS x.tex x.pdf x.png)
       pdflatex @x.tex 
       convert -density 90 @x.pdf -quality 90 -transparent white -trim +repage 


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