Hey, I have found another bit of confusion between eval and compile.
Again, I suspect it's related to using a top level begin, but I'm not
sure why.

I have the following program:
#lang racket

(define prog #'(begin
                 (module foo racket
                    (provide x)
                    (define x 5)))
                 (require 'foo)
; (eval prog)
; (eval (compile prog))

When I uncomment the first line to run `(eval prog)` the program runs fine.

However, when I uncomment the second line to run `(eval (compile
prog))`, I get the following error:

define-values: assignment disallowed;
 cannot re-define a constant
  constant: x

Also, when I use syntax/toplevel and add the following line:
`(eval (compile (expand-syntax-top-level-with-compile-time-evals prog)))`
I get the same error.

Can you give me some intuition as to what the problem is here?

~Leif Andersen

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