Thanks Ben,

I've stumbled upon time-ticks but initially discarded it as in the project I 
had in mind the data points need to be uniformly spaced not the time ticks 
(measurement is made based on other triggers irrelevant of discrete time - 
believe it or not it has its uses :) ) and time is used for ordering and for x 
But your examples and pointing to time-ticks showed me some work with 
time-series which is good point to start with, so thank you. 
I will play with it but I think it is doable what I have in mind - plot seems 
to be quite mature. 


On Monday, December 28, 2015 at 7:16:17 PM UTC+1, Ben Greenman wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 28, 2015 at 5:29 AM, Greg Trzeciak <> wrote:
> Re: 3 Is there any example of plotting with x axis being the time+date 
> available?
> There's a small example in the docs for the 'plot' package:
> Documentation on time ticks is here:
> And here's a smaller example:
> #lang racket/base
> (require plot)
> (define (earnings ms)
>  (let ([d (seconds->date ms)])
>    (expt (date-minute d) 2)))
> (define (hour->date h)
>   (date 0 0 h 1 1 2015 0 0 #f 0))
> (parameterize ([plot-x-ticks (time-ticks #:number 6 #:formats '("~Mm"))])
>   (plot
>     (function earnings #:label "$$$")
>     #:x-min (datetime->real (hour->date 2))
>     #:x-max (datetime->real (hour->date 3))))

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