On Thursday, November 19, 2015 at 5:37:12 PM UTC-5, johnbclements wrote:
> > ...  
> > Any thoughts from folks that are FFI'ing from/to Racket and/or using a 
> > second language in the same system as Racket ?
> My “thoughts" are more along the lines of cheerleading. I worked on Hygiene 
> for Rust, and I really want to see Rust succeed. I’ve built a tiny 
> proof-of-concept rust ffi interface that I describe at
> http://www.brinckerhoff.org/blog/2013/03/29/embedding-rust-in-racket/
> … but I can’t really comment on the difficulty of building larger interfaces. 
> I will say this, though: Rust will make you spend time at the front end, 
> satisfying the borrow-checker. The payoff comes later, when you don’t have to 
> debug all of those core dumps.
> John

After going through the entire Rust book online and continuing my benchmark in 
Rust, I have to say, unfortunately, that it's been quite painful compared to 
just about every other language I've learned (which includes Haskell, OCaml, 
Python, Ruby, JavaScript, C/C++, etc.).

I kind of feel like Rust takes some of the work that languages like Racket, 
OCaml, etc. are doing for me and delegates it to my brain instead :(

Although there very well may be a payoff at some point, my hunch is that it may 
come in an app much larger than what I'd want to use it for i.e. I may just not 
be in the target market for Rust presently.

My time would probably have been better spent parallelizing my Racket benchmark 
and possibly dropping into C for the soundex function where I'm confident I can 
minimize memory allocation and other inefficiencies.

Given my time investment thus far, I may struggle on just to get an idea of the 
Rust vs. Racket speed comparison on this specific benchmark, but I'll probably 
time box it to this week before working on the "places" version in Racket.

I certainly appreciate Racket even more after this experience!

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