On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 4:58 PM, stef <muf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've been trying out nanopass 
> (https://github.com/nanopass/nanopass-framework-racket) and its tutorial 
> scheme-to-c compiler (https://github.com/LeifAndersen/racket-to-c). However, 
> Racket takes easily 20s to bytecompile the c compiler, which is totally 
> unacceptable, especially with Racket's normal flow of resetting the 
> environment on every compile.
> How can I profile this so I can figure out what's taking so long? "raco make 
> --vv" is totally uninformative and I don't see any profiling library for 
> macros.
> To be clear, I'm not specifically worried about nanopass or this compiler as 
> such, but about trying similar macro-heavy strategies to implement languages 
> later. Typed Racket has similar huge performance problems, so I'm actually 
> worried about fundamental limitations of Racket as a host.

First, you shouldn't worry about Typed Racket's performance problems
as a sign of fundamental issues -- they're really all in the type
checker itself, and thus not fundamental to building languages in

> However, TR is far too big for me to poke around in (I tried). I mostly get 
> what nanopass is doing though, and the slowness is more surprising, so I 
> thought it would make a better starting point for learning how to improve 
> macro performance.
> So first step: measure what the compiler is actually doing. :)

Here's what I recommend to profile "foo.rkt" (this is how I profile
Typed Racket):

1. make sure there isn't a `foo_rkt.zo` file in the `compiled` directory
2. do the following (at the prompt, for example):
     > (profile (dynamic-require "foo.rkt" #f))

That's it -- you should get reasonable profiling data.

>  (And I can't get it to run in DrRacket at all because it doesn't understand 
> PWD or something.)

DrRacket does understand `current-directory`, but it may not be set to
what you expect when you start. If you want to write a program that
references files relative to the source file they're in, then I
recommend using `define-runtime-path`.


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