> Yes, thank you for mentioning them. I was actually thinking of starting with 
> SXML, but then turning it into a list of string fragments (with spaces left 
> for the dynamically generated parts) as a simplification step once I've 
> figured out where everything goes. But there are other languages besides HTML 
> this is relevant for.
> (define (query condA condB (limit #f) (offset #f))
>   (list "SELECT something FROM table WHERE "
>               condA
>               " AND "
>               condB
>               (if limit
>                       (list "LIMIT " limit
>                                 (if offset
>                                         (list "OFFSET " offset)
>                                         '()))
>                       '())))
> for instance.

Of course, you can also use the `at-exp` metalanguage from Scribble to simplify 
text-heavy constructions like these, with variables interpolated into strings:

#lang at-exp racket

(define (query condA condB (limit #f) (offset #f))
  @~a{SELECT something FROM table WHERE @condA AND @condB @(if limit
                                                               @~a{LIMIT @limit 
@(if offset
     @~a{OFFSET @offset}

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