On Tue, Feb 16, 2016 at 7:56 AM, Greg Hendershott
<greghendersh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> FWIW when you run tests with coverage in racket-mode (C-u C-c C-t)
> displays in the echo area either "Coverge complete" or "Missing
> coverage in N places".  In the latter case, point moves to the first
> place. All such places are colored in red.
> One thing racket-mode should probably also do is have next-error to
> jump to later spots (if any). However I figured people would add
> coverage one spot at a time, so it didn't seem super compelling.

Actually, this is another idea: the coverage facility tweaks the code
anyway (through errortrace), so it can also add an expression at the end
of the `test` submodule that throws an error with sources pointing at
all of the uncovered expressions.  It's more extreme, but it makes many
things work automatically -- for example, the handin server won't need
to explicitly check for coverage, just run the code and throw any errors
back to the client...

                    ((x=>x(x))(x=>x(x)))                   Eli Barzilay:
                    http://barzilay.org/                   Maze is Life!

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