在 2016年2月16日星期二 UTC+8上午7:05:59,Neil Van Dyke写道:
> CS students and other Racketeers planning to do a startup... You're 
> probably familiar with what Paul Graham, of Y Combinator fame, has said 
> about the merits of using Lisp (ahem, Racket) for the initial system.  
> And sometimes you can also use Racket for the eventual system.  So, 
> you're considering using Racket for your startup, right?
> My day job is money-grubbing, fancy-pants technical consultant to 
> established organizations.  But if you'd like to use Racket for your 
> startup, I'm up to being a technical advisor to a couple early cash-poor 
> startups, on an equity-only basis.  You'll of course need to assemble 
> your founders team with the key competencies for your business -- an 
> advisor is just there in the background, to help your team grow in the 
> right directions, and to quietly back you up on occasion.  Your founders 
> team will also need to be doing all the standard business-side things, 
> with the help of business advisers and perhaps an accelerator program, 
> and to be driving the startup with your own vision and wholehearted effort.
> I'm based in Boston, and often work online.
> Neil V.

I'm not sure using Racket is a good choice for a startup. Racket itself is a 
good language, but if you need do something serious, you also need bullet proof 
In the detail, I'm interested in web development, and looks like Racket don't 
have good ORM and web framework libraries.

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