
I tend to organize modules around classes so that I avoid the "Asumu pitfall": 

#lang typed/racket

(define-type Polynome% 
  [init-field [a [Vectorof Real]]]
  [value (-> Real Real)]
  [derive (-> Polynome)]))

(define-type Polynome (Instance Polynome%))

 [create-polynome (-> [Vectorof Real] Polynome)])
;; where is it? 


(: create-polynome (-> [Vectorof Real] Polynome))
(define (create-polynome a0)
  (new polynome% [a a0]))

;; represent the polynomial p(x) = Σ a(i) * x^i
(: polynome% Polynome%)
(define polynome%
  (class object%
     ;; [Vectorof Real]

    ;; Real -> Real 
    (define/public (value x)
      (* (vector-ref a 0) x))

    ;; -> Polynome
    (define/public (derive)
      (create-polynome a)
      (new this% [a a]))))

(: polynome Polynome)
(define polynome (new polynome% [a #(1 2 3)]))

(send polynome value 1)
(send (send polynome derive) value 1)

Warning: functionality intentionally wrong. 

I started from this untyped version: 

#lang racket

 ;; type Polynome =
  [field a [Vectorof Real]]
  [value (-> Real Real)]
  [derive (-> Polynome)])

 ;; [Vectorof Real] -> Polynome

(define (create-polynome a)
  (new polynome [a a]))

;; represent the polynomial p(x) = Σ a(i) * x^i
(define polynome%
  (class object%
     ;; [Vectorof Real]

    ;; Real -> Real 
    (define/public (value x)
      (* (vector-ref a 0) x))

    ;; -> Polynome
    (define/public (derive)
      (create-polynome a)
      (new this% [a a]))))

(define polynome (new polynome% [a #(1 2 3)]))

(send polynome value 1)
(send (send polynome derive) value 1)

;; You see how adding types clarified my thoughts. -- Matthias

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