
I'm trying to figure out how I would make a text editor or a DrRacket extension 
that circled nested s-expressions instead of displaying the parentheses. 
DrRacket circles text for the find/replace feature, so I looked at that and 
found that it uses the highlight-range method of text:basic<%> in framework.

However, when I tried using it with the #:adjust-on-insert/delete argument as 
#true, I got strange behavior with my little toy editor. 

When I start typing something like "(define (f x)", it circles the (f x) like I 
expected. However, when I continue typing, that's when I get the weird 
behavior. For example, if I type a return, the beginning of the circle jumps 
backwards to the "(define", and the end of the circle jumps down with the 
cursor. Then if I press delete after more typing, that circle disappears and is 
replaced by a narrow ellipse that just follows my cursor around. This weird 
behavior goes away when the #:adjust-on-insert/delete argument is #false.

Is there a way to stay on the positions of the open and close parentheses 
without jumping backwards or collapsing and following the cursor? To do that, 
it needs to shift positions when I insert or delete characters, but is there a 
way to tell it to stay where it is if I insert something right after the close 

#lang racket/base

(require racket/class racket/gui/base framework)

(define frame
  (new frame% [label "circledit"] [width 500] [height 500]))

(define text-editor
  (new (class racket:text%
         (inherit get-start-position get-backward-seep)
         ;; when an s-expr is closed, this method will be called
         (define/override (balance-parens key-event)
           (super balance-parens key-event)
           ;; and it will circle the s-expr that was just closed
           (define end
           (define start
             (get-backward-sexp end))
           (when start
             (send text-editor highlight-range
                   start end "dark green" #f 'low 'hollow-ellipse 
                   #:adjust-on-insert/delete? #t))))))

(define canvas
  (new editor-canvas% [parent frame] [editor text-editor]))

(send frame show #true)

Alex Knauth

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