Hey all, I've made some pretty significant changes to the racket Docker images:

1) 6.4 and 6.3 support (took long enough...)
2) Onbuild images for running and testing apps for every 6.x version, 
additionally the onbuild images were changed to run "racket main.rkt" as their 
command after doing a setup to create bytecode, rather than making an executable
3) Racket minimal used by default for all images
4) Fixed an issue where "raco setup" was never run as part of building the 
images, so installing a package would take forever (had to setup the package 
and everything else)
5) Significant image size improvements - previous images were about ~180MB 
compressed on DockerHub, now all images are under 40MB compressed (uncompressed 
their virtual size is about 80-100MB). They're still Debian Jesse operating 

I attempted to get Racket running on alpine linux, but hit significant 
difficulties (alpine uses musl rather than glibc). If anyone has experience 
with the Racket source, alpine linux, and/or musl and would like to take a 
crack at that, the repo is https://github.com/jackfirth/racket-docker and you 
can see my paltry attempts thus far in the 6.2-min folder.

The images are available as "jackfirth/racket:VERSION", e.g. 
jackfirth/racket:6.2 or jackfirth/racket:5.3.4. The onbuild images have an 
`-onbuild` suffix, and the onbuild test images (automatically raco tests your 
app) have an `-onbuild-test` suffix, e.g. racket:6.3-onbuild or 


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