Hi Rodrigo,

Sorry for the late response.

On 2016-02-24 17:22:11 -0800, Rodrigo Setti wrote:
> Naturally macros from typed/racket cannot be used by untyped code, so I was
> experimenting with some organization options to isolate the macros in an
> untyped environment... I thought about using another module that requires the
> TR code and define the macros in untyped

Using another module sounds sensible to me, but that requires that the bindings
your macro depends on are actually exported. Though you could organize your
project so that the typed modules are in a "private" folder and avoid exporting
them from your "public" interface.

I can't think of a safe way to do this if you don't want to export any private
typed definitions.

It is, however, possible to do this unsafely with the `unsafe-provide` form
from `typed/racket/unsafe`.


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