At Sat, 12 Mar 2016 15:35:14 -0500, Jon Zeppieri wrote:
> I have TCP ports that I send from one place to another. I'd like the
> receiving place to be responsible for closing them. In particular, I'd like
> to make that the responsibility of a custodian in the receiving place.
> If I close the ports in the receiving place, however, that doesn't actually
> close the underlying socket, because the sending place still has an open
> file descriptor for it. And it seems that if I close the ports immediately
> after sending them via `place-channel-put`, that's too soon.
> I could have the receiving place notify the sending one of receipt, at
> which point the sender could close the ports -- I just tried this out, and
> it works -- but that involves some undesirable bookkeeping overhead.
> (Because I'm doing this in a loop, when I receive a message saying, "You
> can close the ports now!" I need to keep track of exactly which set of
> ports it's safe to close.)
> Is there a better way to handle this? Maybe the implementation of
> place-channel-put could dup the file descriptor and then close the
> duplicate after sending it?

Sending a file descriptor over a place channel does dup() it.

Maybe you're seeing that closing a TCP output port sends an EOF to the
other end. Does it help to use `tcp-abandon-port` in the original place
instead of `close-output-port` (leaving the EOF-sending
`close-output-port` to the receiving place)?

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