I need help from the Racket Community! Our StarShine Planet XPRIZE team is 
making exciting progress on our Racket-based solution for the Global Learning 
XPRIZE <http://learning.xprize.org/>.  The Foundational Literacy System, or 
FLS, is our tablet-based app to help kids (and later, adults) get a strong 
grounding in reading, writing, mathematics, systems thinking, and life skills. 
We have identified what we call “black swans” of learning, methods of learning 
that defy credibility until actually seen in practice, and we have begun to 
implement corresponding software apps in Racket. We are furthest along in 
reading, and are currently testing/refining the prototype reading app in our 
kindergarten classroom.

We have opportunities for lots of contributors, and  despite having no money 
now, a way of compensating them — if and when we win the XPRIZE.  The XPRIZE 
makes two awards: $1M to each of five teams that make the finals, and $10M to 
the one team that performs best on the 18-month field test. Those of us 
currently on the team have a deep interest in children’s learning and have 
volunteered our time over the past year. We are anxious to share with Racket 
developers the work we have done so far, and millions of dollars of our 
(possible) future winnings.

The software will be open-source, as required by XPRIZE rules.  Anything that 
becomes part of FLS will be under the Apache license, per XPRIZE requirement.  
Anything that is developed for Racket will, of course, be licensed under LGPL, 
once it becomes part of the Racket distribution.   (Although the software will 
eventually be open-source, for now we’re keeping it within the team, for 
competitive reasons.) 

We will contract in writing for software, and pay for it in $X (X-bucks), which 
will be convertible to real money if and when we win the XPRIZE.  We understand 
that $X are not the same as real $, so we expect to pay more $X than we would 
pay $US for the same task. Initially, when uncertainty is larger, the 
conversion rate will be high (we’re thinking 5 to 1), but the rate may fall to 
2:1 as we get nearer the prize. Since their are two phases to the XPRIZE, we 
would deliver 10% (rounding up from 1/11) of the corresponding $US if and when 
we receive the $1M for becoming a finalist, and the remaining 90% when we win 
the grand prize.

Here’s an example.  As part of our reading app we have developed a 
sound-matching game, using big-bang. Kids love it and it helps them learn the 
primitive sounds and sound combinations that are a first step in reading. It 
could be a lot better, however, in several ways. For one, it needs to be less 
of a resource hog, especially since it will ultimately have to run on a tablet. 
For another, it needs a greater variety of “rewards” for winning, and some way 
of showing the learner that they’re making progress.  It also needs a way of 
modeling and assessing the learner’s progress and adapting the content and 
difficulty of the game to the learner. None of these are rocket science, but 
they would all make our solution better.  Let’s say you’re really sharp and you 
usually charge $100/hour for your time.  Then we might be willing to pay you 
500 X-bucks/hour. (We’d rather pay for results than time, but this is to 
illustrate the principle.)

Speaking of tablets, we need the Racket UI ported to Android.  We would 
certainly pay thousands of $X, perhaps tens of thousands of $X, for that 
result.  The Android port is an example of something that would presumably 
become part of the Racket distribution rather than part of FLS.

Another major project would be a reimplementation of our technology platform 
for reading.  We have software that “knows” a lot about sounds and symbols, the 
relationships between sounds and symbols, the relationship between sounds and 
English text, and how to display sounds and text on a screen to help kids learn 
to read.  It was only after a phase of trying things out and developing apps 
that we understood what data structures would power a better, more 
understandable, more maintainable, and more extensible implementation.  The 
software needs to be rewritten, perhaps as a #lang DSL.

At the other end of the scale, I implemented a simple hack to retarget 
slideshow from a 1028x768 screen to a screen with HD proportions. I would be 
willing to pay a small number of $X (say, 200) to have that integrated into the 
Racket distribution.  At a similar scale, I need a way to put buttons on a 
slideshow slide so that the use can move forward or back with on-screen buttons 
rather than arrow keys.  If you already have software to do this, great!  I’ll 
be willing to pay some X-bucks to ensure that it sees the light of day.

We have to solve the problem in order to share the funds. Each job will receive 
an exact amount of promised money, if and when we win.  You could possibly get 
$20,000 (about a year from now) for accomplishments equivalent to an excellent 
programmer working for 40 hours). And you get to help save the world through 

As we move forward, we will have many such projects, first for reading, and 
then for math, systems thinking, and so on. To learn more, let me know so I can 
invite you to our GitHub team and you can get access to our evolving solution.

If you have any suggestions about how we can make this work better, tell me.

Byron Davies, Ph.D.
Chief Learner and Director of K-12 Innovation
StarShine Planet and StarShine Academy

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