I ran your program and was, too, a bit confused at first.
But ... turns out it is simple.
Run the program in DrRacket.
Switch to the repl.
Then scroll up!
The "windows" are displayed as pictures in the repl,
but they are so big, that you can't see them at first.

/Jens Axel

2016-03-19 22:47 GMT+01:00 <nikof...@gmail.com>:

> Hello,
> I am beginning a project in which I want to use Racket's turtle
> functionality to implement the examples and exercises from the book Turtle
> Geometry.
> In doing so, there is of course the choice between the traditional turtles
> (graphics/turtles) and the value turtles (graphics/value-turtles).
> I am playing around with the two libraries to pick a direction. The
> implication is that the value-turtules is more functional in nature and
> thus the ideal, long-term way to go. However, I am unable to get a turtle
> window to display.
> For example, the following code does nothing and returns no errors:
>     #lang racket
>     (require graphics/value-turtles)
>     (require graphics/value-turtles-examples)
>     (define twindow (turtles 500 500))
>     (neato twindow)
>     twindow
> For the traditional turtles, the following code works just fine:
>     #lang racket
>     (require graphics/turtles)
>     (require graphics/turtle-examples)
>     (turtles #t)
>     (neato)
> What am I doing wrong with the value-turtles? It's not clear how to
> actually display the turtle window/drawing.
> This isn't related to this issue is it?
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/racket-dev/turtles/racket-dev/qv840Wtwu5E/vC08lyZjAWQJ
> Thanks!
> --
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Jens Axel Søgaard

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