A "read" variant that works with format strings would be a useful
addition I think.

Matthew, your solution is clever :) (but with symbols instead of strings).

Another alternative could be to use match:

#lang racket

(define (trim-brackets str)
  (string-trim str #rx"\\[|\\]|,"))

(define (pad n w)
  (~r n #:pad-string "0" #:min-width w))

(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-file "file.txt")])
  (for ([ln (in-lines)])
    (match (string-split (trim-brackets ln) ", ")
      [(list (app string->number x)) (displayln x)]
      [(list (app string->number x) y (app string->number z))
       (printf "[~a, ~a, ~a]\n" (pad x 2) y (pad z 4))])))

or if you are willing to write a macro:

#lang racket

(define (trim-brackets str)
  (string-trim str #rx"\\[|\\]|,"))

(define (pad n w)
  (~r n #:pad-string "0" #:min-width w))

(define-match-expander numstr
  (syntax-rules () [(_ x) (app string->number x)]))

(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-file "file.txt")])
  (for ([ln (in-lines)])
    (match (string-split (trim-brackets ln) ", ")
      [(list (numstr x)) (displayln x)]
      [(list (numstr x) y (numstr z))
       (printf "[~a, ~a, ~a]\n" (pad x 2) y (pad z 4))])))

(yes, I didnt close the port)

On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 6:34 PM, Matthew Butterick <m...@mbtype.com> wrote:
>> Then, for all rows, read and split the string. The best that i have found to 
>> do that is using regular expressions.
>>   (define split-row (regexp-match #rx"\\[(.+), (.+), (.+)\\]" (read-line)))
>> Then you have to manually convert the substrings into values
>>   (define a (string->number (second split-row)))
>>   (define b (third split-row))
>>   (define c (string->number (fourth split-row)))
> This kind of destructuring & conversion from strings to values can sometimes 
> be more conveniently handled by converting your source data into something 
> that looks like Racket S-expressions (in this case, by removing the commas) 
> and then calling `read` to do the rest, e.g.
> #lang racket
> (with-input-from-file "data.txt"
>   (λ _ (for/list ([ln (in-lines)])
>                  (read (open-input-string (string-replace ln "," ""))))))
> --
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