I have a git repo that contains a Racket package. The repo also contains
other folders related to the package. How do I share the package on
pkgs.racket-lang.org without sharing (or just compiling/installing) the
other folders?

Say I ("bennn") own a repo "foo" with 2 folders, "pkg" and "other". I want
to put "pkg" on pkgs.racket-lang.org.

- First, I tried changing the Source field of the package to reference "
github.com/bennn/foo/tree/master/pkg". Seems no different from "

- I do not want to move "other" to a new repo.

- My current solution is to put an info.rkt file at the top of my repo with:

#lang info

(define collection 'multi)

(define setup-collects '("pkg"))

(define compile-omit-paths '("other"))

Both setup-collects and compile-omit-paths are necessary, for getting `raco
setup` and `raco pkg` to do the right thing. Is there a better way?

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