
i have a code that works well in #lang racket and also with other scheme 
compilers with minor changes,Bigloo,MIT scheme, but it does not work with #!r6rs
 i do not know why,here it is (some extract):

(import (rnrs))


;; sort operands in a logic expression
;; (sort-arguments-in-operation '(or Ci a b)) -> '(or a b Ci)
;; (sort-arguments-in-operation '(or Ci (not a) b)) -> '(or (not a) b Ci)
;; (sort-arguments-in-operation '(or Ci (not a) b (or c d))) -> '(or (not a) b 
(or c d) Ci)
(define (sort-arguments-in-operation expr)
  (if (isOR-AND? expr)
      (let* ((args-list (args expr)) ;;'(or Ci a b) -> '(Ci a b)
             (expression->string (lambda (expr2) (cond ((symbol? expr2) 
(symbol->string expr2)) ;; #t -> "T", #f -> "F"
                                                       ((boolean? expr2) (if 
expr2 "T" "F"))
                                                       (else (error 
"sort-arguments-in-operation: do not know how to handle this expression" 
             (lower-litteral-symbol (lambda (s) (string-downcase 
(expression->string (get-first-litteral s))))) ;; 'Ci -> "ci", '(not A) -> "a"
             (expression<? (lambda (x y) (string<? (lower-litteral-symbol x) 
(lower-litteral-symbol y))))
             ;;(sorted-args (sort args-list #:key lower-litteral-symbol 
string<?)) ;; symbol<?)) ;; '(Ci a b) -> '(a b Ci)
             (sorted-args (sort args-list expression<?))
             (oper (operator expr))) ;; define operator : (or Ci a b) -> or
        (cons oper sorted-args))
      expr)) ;; we have not a binary operator but a litteral or negation of 


Bienvenue dans DrRacket, version 6.1.1 [3m].
Langage: r6rs [personnalisé]; memory limit: 256 MB.
. sort: unbound identifier in module in: sort

Interactions disabled: r6rs does not support a REPL (no #%top-interaction)

sort seems unbound, also eval !!! and i suppose a lot more making the basis of 
scheme language....
problem is not with the code,i know it works but 
question is "what is the good way to use r6rs compatibility with DrRacket?"



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