Hello all,

I was experimenting a bit yesterday and discovered something that surprised me. 
Here are two fibonacci functions:

(define fib1
  (letrec ([aux (lambda (i n)
                  (if (< n 2)
                      (+ (fib1 i (- n 2)) (fib1 i (- n 1)))))])
    (let ([funs (vector aux aux)])
      (lambda (index num)
        ((if (= index 0) aux (vector-ref funs index)) index num)))))

(define fib2
  (letrec ([aux (lambda (i n)
                  (if (< n 2)
                      (+ (fib2 i (- n 2)) (fib2 i (- n 1)))))])
    (let ([funs (vector aux aux)])
      (lambda (index num)
        (if (= index 0)
            (aux index num)
            ((vector-ref funs index) index num))))))

I expected them to behave basically identically (in fact, I thought they would 
probably generate the same code). However, that was not the case:

> (time (fib1 0 40))
cpu time: 4490 real time: 4489 gc time: 0
> (time (fib1 1 40))
cpu time: 5031 real time: 5027 gc time: 0
> (time (fib2 0 40))
cpu time: 3042 real time: 3040 gc time: 0
> (time (fib2 1 40))
cpu time: 5031 real time: 5027 gc time: 0
> (time (fib1 0 40))
cpu time: 4535 real time: 4532 gc time: 0
> (time (fib2 0 40))
cpu time: 3027 real time: 3025 gc time: 0

It looks like one of the functions is 1.5 times faster than the other (in the i 
== 0 case). Any ideas as to why?

--Jerry Jackson

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