On May 3, 2016, at 11:57 AM, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt <sa...@cs.indiana.edu> wrote:
>> The common thread in the Knauth/Butterick critique is that 
>> `syntax-local-introduce` promises a result — syntax, locally introduced — 
>> but in fact delivers a certain action — adding a scope — that will only 
>> achieve the promised result if a certain other criterion is met (namely, a 
>> context-free syntax object). This is not apparent from the docs (though I 
>> will prepare a pull request to make it so).
> I don't understand what the critique is supposed to be. Are you saying
> that the name is misleading? Or that it should do something different?
> Or just that the docs need clarifying?

Yes, the name does seem a little inapt. But `syntax-local-introduce` has been 
in `racket/base` for a long time so I'm not advocating a change in either its 
name or its function. I'm just trying to understand what it does. In this case, 
the docs are somewhat opaque, as they don't explain its purpose, or how to use 
it, or give a characteristic example. (The explanations you've given in this 
thread have been more concrete, certainly, and I appreciate them.)

> Strangely, your Example #4 works the same as example #3, except in DrRacket, 
> where it errors.

It's always nice to share puzzlement ;)

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