I'm trying to program a macro which defines different selectors for mutable 
I know in Racket it's possible to use only mcar and mcdr, but mcdar etc. could 
be useful for me.

I would like to use macro this way: 

  (let ((a (mcons (mcons 1 2) (mcons (mcons 3 4) '()))))
   (list (mcaar a)
         (mcdar a)
         (mcaadr a)
         (mcdadr a))))

Mcxrs will be defined in macro's body and then whole expresion would be 
evaluated - now with bindings in macro's environment so no error should appear.
I think procedure seek and macro defines3 are ok (when using separately they 
work fine) but in a macro "with-mcxrs" an error appears: mcaar undefined. 
Where's the problem? I can't figure it out. I would be glad if anyone could 
give me some advice. 

And could "defines3" be out of macro "with-mcxrs"? Or should it be inside - 
like in my code? 
Thanks a lot.

 first I go though whole body and I store found mcxrs in list, which is called 
"selectors" in let loop. And then call another macro "defines3" which should 
return procedure - for example: (lambda (pair) (mcar (mcdr (mcar pair)))). And 
this procedure should be defined as a value of particular mcaar or mcdar etc.

(define-macro with-mcxrs
  (lambda body

    `(define-macro defines3     
  (lambda (chars)
    (let ((loop (gensym)))
      `(lambda (pair)
         (let ,loop ((chsez ,chars))
           (if (null? chsez)
               (if (equal? (car chsez) #\a)
                   (mcar (,loop (cdr chsez)))
                   (mcdr (,loop (cdr chsez)))) ))))))

    (define seek2       
      (let ((pom '() ))
        (lambda (l)
          (cond ((null? l) pom )
                ((list? (car l)) (begin(seek2 (car l))
                                       (seek2 (cdr l))) )
                 (if (not (symbol? (car l)))
                     (seek2 (cdr l))
                     (let* ((test (symbol->string(car l)))
                            (len (string-length test)))
                       (if (> len 4)
                           (if (or (equal? (substring test 0 3) "mca")
                                   (equal? (substring test 0 3) "mcd"))
                                 (set! pom (cons (car l) pom) )
                                 (seek2 (cdr l)))
                               (seek2 (cdr l)))
                           (seek2 (cdr l)) ))))))))

    (let ((loop (gensym)))
      `(let ,loop ((selectors (,seek2 (quote ,@body)) )) ;;list of selectors
        (cond ((null? selectors) (,@body))
                (define (car selectors)
                 (defines3 (string->list
                            (substring (car l) 2
                                    (- (string-length (car l))1)) )))
               (,loop (cdr selectors))) )))  ))

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