On Thu, May 26, 2016 at 11:55:24AM -0400, Ben Greenman wrote:
> Here is a working example. I'm testing by running "scribble --html
> color-test.rkt"
> #lang scribble/manual
> @(require scribble/core scribble/base)
> @(define (colorize #:color c . content)
>     (elem #:style (style #f (list (color-property c)))
>           content))
> @colorize[#:color "red"]{WARNING}

Thank you!  I finally got some red text.

What puzzles me anout this one is that I get, in extremely small type, 
the text "v6.1" at the top of the page.  It seems to originate from 
the element

<span class="versionNoNav">6.1</span>

in the generated HTML.  Is this scribble sticking its version number 
into the text?  or Racket's?  Is this a consequence of using

#lang  scribble/manual

instead of something else? 

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