Next example.

In Racket:

> (sort '((a 45) (b 13) (c 12) (d 16) (e 9) (f 5)) < #:key second)

'((f 5) (e 9) (c 12) (b 13) (d 16) (a 45))

In Typed Racket I couldn't get a version using #:key to type-check. Pulling
second into a comparison function works:

> (sort '((a 45) (b 13) (c 12) (d 16) (e 9) (f 5))
          (λ ([a : (List Symbol Natural)]
              [b : (List Symbol Natural)])
            (< (second a) (second b))))

Is there a solution using #:key in Typed Racket?


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