Thanks for the prompt reply!

I managed to install the package.

For my current use-case, using the racket in module mode, with the right #lang 
directive at the top of the .rkt file is enough.

For the interactive mode, however, I was expecting something like 

racket -I 'constructor-style-print racket'

to behave similarly.

But it leads to:

Welcome to Racket v6.0.
module-declared?: contract violation
  expected: (or/c module-path? module-path-index? resolved-module-path?)
  given: '(submod (lib "constructor-style-print racket") configure-runtime)
  argument position: 1st
  other arguments...:

Just out of curiosity, what would be the adequate "-I" syntax, if any?
(what I read in quote-bad/constructor-style-print/lang/runtime-config.rkt
is too advanced racket code for me to find out how to change dynamically the 
printer in the repl.)


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