On Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 3:16 AM, Ivan Kuzmin <ink...@gmail.com> wrote:
> P.S. May be it is just some strange cognitive effect. Is there a way to 
> measure time from run button pressing to printing execution results precisely 
> and objectively somehow?

Probably it is real, but you're right that doing this a bit more
objectively is a good idea!

To do that, use the "Open Require Path..." menu item to open
"drracket/private/unit.rkt", search for these two lines:

      (define/public (execute-callback)
        (when (send execute-button is-enabled?)

and add, just below them on its own line:

          (printf "Run: ~s\n" (current-process-milliseconds))

Then, using the same menu item to open "drracket/private/rep.rkt",
search for this line:

      (define/public (insert-prompt)

and insert just below it a similar line:

          (printf "Prompt: ~s\n" (current-process-milliseconds))

It should be the case that you'll be able to take two consecutive
printouts and use subtraction to get a good estimate of how much time
was used.

Thanks for your help looking into this!


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