> On Aug 24, 2016, at 4:36 AM, Normal Loone <andreas.m.wi...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Sorry, I should have been clearer:
> I want to send a file directly from DrRacket to a server. I have submit 
> button as a plugin in DrRacket and it then should take the file and send it 
> to the server (the file is known, doesnt need to be selected from user).
> I tried the code from HTH Stephen, but problem is that the web application 
> starts on DrRacket start and not when I press the button, how I wanted it.
> So if someone could tell me a way to just directly send a file with DrRacket 
> as an HTML request, I'd really appreciate that.

Yes, this is a one-liner:

#lang racket

(require net/http-client)

(http-sendrecv #"example.com"
               #:method "POST"
               #:data "MY FAVORITE BYTES”)

This will send a POST request to example.com, with path /, and attach the bytes 

John Clements

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