> On Aug 30, 2016, at 2:08 AM, Sourav Datta <soura.ja...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I tried this approach with Racket 6.5 and still get the type checker error 
> when trying to call the continuation after it has been set.
> #lang typed/racket
> (define-type EmptySet (U)) 
> (: d-or-s (U False (-> Number EmptySet))) 
> (define d-or-s #f) 
> (: double-or-same (-> Number Number)) 
> (define (double-or-same x) 
> (call/cc (lambda ({c : (-> Number EmptySet)}) 
>            (set! d-or-s c) 
>            (+ x x)))) 
>> (double-or-same 10)
> - : Number
> 20
>> (d-or-s 1)
> . Type Checker: Cannot apply expression of type (U False (-> Number 
> Nothing)), since it is not a function type in: (d-or-s 1)
>> d-or-s
> - : (U False (-> Number Nothing))
> #<continuation>
> Not sure why the type checker is complaining that d-or-s is not a function 
> type.

You're right, the (U False (-> Number EmptySet)) can't be applied directly. The 
reason is that it might be a function type, but it also might be false. 
Applying false as a function would be a type error, so applying something that 
might be false is also a type error.

The way around this should be occurrence typing. The first thing to try is an 
if statement like this:

> (if d-or-s
      (d-or-s 1)
      "it wasn't a function")
. Type Checker: Cannot apply expression of type (U False (-> Number Nothing)), 
since it is not a function type in: (d-or-s 1)

However, it raises the same type error as before. The reason is that `d-or-s` 
being mutable messes it up. The way to get around that is to make a new local 
variable to use in the if statement. Since `f` isn't mutable, occurrence typing 
can work on it, and you can call `f` within the then-branch.

> (let ([f d-or-s])
    (if f
        (f 1)
        "it wasn't a function"))

Alex Knauth

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