How about using channels:

#lang racket
(define handle-channel (make-channel))

(define (handle-producer ch)
  (let loop ((counter 1))
    (channel-put ch counter)
    (loop (add1 counter))))

(thread (lambda () (handle-producer handle-channel)))

(define (new-handle)
  (channel-get handle-channel))


On Thursday, September 1, 2016 at 5:44:30 PM UTC+8, erich wrote:
> This question is also about style. Take an admittedly ugly
> counter like this
> ;; increasing counter for handles
> (define handle-counter 1)
> (define (new-handle)
>   (begin0
>     handle-counter
>     (set! handle-counter (add1 handle-counter))))
> Various threads may call (new-handle) concurrently, so I need to
> ensure that every thread gets a unique handle. However, the handles need
> not reflect the temporal order of the calling sequence in any way. It's
> hard to debug but I believe I've seen a case in which the above code
> has assigned the same handle to concurrent threads, as one would expect.
> So basically new-handle needs to be in a critical section, right? I feel
> stupid that I don't know the answer, but how do I do this?
> In the docs I've found ffi/unsafe/atomic, but this seems like overkill
> and is unsafe and only intended for the FFI.
> Second question: Should I use a parameter or something else for this
> construct, and if so, what are the benefits of doing so? What would be
> the 'right' way of providing unique numbers in a synchronized way?
> Best,
> Erich

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