On Tuesday, October 11, 2016 at 9:50:12 PM UTC-4, Ben Greenman wrote:
> Indirect answer: could you use `command-line` instead?
> #lang racket/base
> (require racket/cmdline)
> (define input-from (make-parameter #f))
> (command-line
>   #:program "sample"
>   #:once-each
>   [("-i" "--input-file")
>    i
>    "Use <input_file> as the input file."
>    (input-from i)]
>   #:args (file)
>   (printf "my argument is: ~a\n" file)
>   ;; do things with `file` and `input-from` here
> )
> On Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 9:24 PM, Ian Thomas <i.th...@me.com> wrote:
> I'm trying to add a simple command line interface to a program and receive 
> the following error:
> parse-command-line: expected argument of type <table as a list of 
> flag-list/procedure pairs (spec-line help list strings must match procedure 
> arguments)>; given: '((once-each (("-i" "--input\
> -file") #<procedure:...sis/com_line.rkt:12:25> ("Use <input_file> as the 
> input file."))))
>   context...:
> The command should take a single flag and an input file as arguments. Code 
> below. Any help would be much appreciated.
> #lang racket
> (require racket/base
>          racket/cmdline)
> (parse-command-line "com_line"
>                     ;; argv
>                     (current-command-line-arguments)
>                     ;; table
>                     `((once-each
>                        [("-i" "--input-file")
>                         ,(lambda (flag in) (displayln "Using <in>"))
>                         ("Use <input_file> as the input file.")]))
>                     ;; finish-proc
>                     (lambda (flag-accum file) file)
>                     ;; help-proc
>                     (lambda () (displayln "com_line -i | --input-file input 
> file"))
>                     ;; unknown-proc
>                     (lambda (unknown_flag) (displayln "Unknown flag: 
> <unknown_flag>")))
> --
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I'd like to handle usage - help-proc - and unknown flags - unknown-proc - and 
the documentation states you need to use parse-command-line and not 
command-line to achieve this.

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